Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Having a bad day?

It becomes increasingly tiring and consuming when a bad day gets the best of you, maybe you accidentally spilt a cup of coffee over your clothes on the way out, or you missed your regular train and the next one which gets you just in time for school/work is delayed. Saying things like 'my luck today is not great' or 'today's not a good day for me', are ways of setting the expectations of your day negatively, and it's no surprise when things continue to go wrong. However shrugging your shoulders about an unfortunate event, however large or minor and starting over again in anticipation of positive outcomes, is a way of getting you out of those end-of- the day dips into resentment.

but hang on...what if an event which you cant control takes place? you feel terribly sick or your body is riddled with inexplicable pain? There's no way of getting a hint of positivity from a situation like that! and you cant help but be affected by the controls of  biological forces. Then you begin to snap at people and spread a miserable countenance- it happens all the time; and it doesn't just mean the person who's in physical pain is upset, but the people around them (who can also be important to them) are affected negatively also. Its hard, I know, to spiral out of a pit of pain or distress, but it's still possible to smile, and in doing so, the way you feel mentally or physically could be transformed for the better...because that smile, (this is going to sound sappy) will be replicated for you into complete care and compassion by the people around you.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Throw your heart over the bar, and your body will follow

"Throw your heart over the bar, and your body will follow"

This is a truly inspirational quote taken from an anecdote of a wonderful inspirational writer Dr Norman Vincent Peal. In any situation where feelings of discouragement and insecurity prevail in the mind, all it takes is a quote like this to snap you into the realisation of your full potential, and ability to do exactly the things that you believe are impossible. It's difficult sometimes when your accustomed to feeling low and have developed strong self representations of inadequacy, but all it really takes is a liberation of your mind from these thoughts, then a refill of encouraging positive thoughts.
Religious faith is fundamentally very powerful; exercising your faith in God and surrendering complete trust in Jesus (as a Christian) will work as the basis and complete support for your self confidence.
It's hard like anything which is worthwhile in this world, but it's also true and do-able, all you need is an openness to the reality of your ability and the rest is in your hands.

The meaning of the above quote holds strong inspirational charge. The 'bar' is any physical or mental obstacle that may be in the path of your destination or personal success, and your 'heart', I would still say is your faith, when you earnestly believe that the obstacle can be overcome and surpassed. Finally your 'body' is your physical being bringing your belief into actuality and acting out those very things that were once thought to be impossible.

All insights taken from The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale